Author: Doug Ankerman

More Dumb Stuff

More Dumb Stuff

      Time to clear out the folder with some more dumb stuff. (Really?  Like everything else found here isn’t ridiculous enough.)   Take your silly pill and enjoy!     Happy Birthday Prez:   The local paper told us of a celebration honoring President William McKinley’s 170th birthday. I mean, good for him.  …

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Getting In & Getting Out

Getting In & Getting Out

    Okay smarty-pants. One of the hardest things to do when you have multiple sclerosis is.. “Climbing stairs?” No. “Buttoning a shirt? Naa. “Putting on socks & shoes during leg spasms? Close.   For me, one of the hardest things to do, being blessed with MS, is getting into and getting out of a …

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Brain Drain #19

Brain Drain #19

      It’s hard to believe this is number 19 in the My Odd Sock “Brain Drain” series.   For those of you new to this rag, “Brain Drain” is simply me venting.  Draining my lesion-filled brain of unnecessary baggage.  Dumb stuff I’ve noticed in our world that can be as annoying as a …

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My Partner & I

My Partner & I

    My partner & I?  We couldn’t be more opposite. Ying & Yang.  Felix & Oscar.  Barrack & Boehner.     Me?  I like to be active.  Always on the go. Always doing something.  I get fidgety sitting around for a long time.         My partner?  Very low key.  Likes to …

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Flakey Way To Riches

Flakey Way To Riches

    Every once in a while you hear of someone selling a potato chip in the shape of Bob Barker, the Virgin Mary or some other iconic figure for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.   Well, because My Odd Sock isn’t above ways to make a quick buck (and you thought otherwise), I …

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Roll’em Up

Roll’em Up

       For anyone with multiple sclerosis, nothing, absolutely nothing strips a human being of personal pride MORE than the nine-hole peg test. Oh, did I say “strips?”  Hmm, sorry.  That is being too kind. I meant to say the nine-hole peg test rips dignity from the bone, while pouring acid on the open wounds …

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You Have GOT To Be Kidding

You Have GOT To Be Kidding

      Here in the U.S., while the debate over gun control swirls to a stand-still like water in a clogged toilet, Miguel Caballero is busy creating solutions.   His company, located in Bogota, Columbia, recently announced its new line of armored clothing for………..children!   Yes, even I couldn’t think of something that ridiculous! …

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What Are You Thinking?

What Are You Thinking?

    If you have multiple sclerosis or any other neurological disfunction, you probably have found yourself stuffed inside a medical sausage casing—better known as an MRI. Taking part in a research study, I have found myself in this position five or six times in the the past few months. With nothing to do during …

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Take A Load Off

Take A Load Off

  New stuff coming next week, so in the meantime, enjoy the number two look at this older My Odd Sock……..   We live for competition.  The challenge of human will, spirit, guts and gusto.  Me vs You.  We vs Them in an epic battle, mano-to-mano in the crowning of the eventual victor.     …

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Odds & Ends

Odds & Ends

  Please enjoy this “Best Of” (Worst of) My Odd Sock!   From the jumbled mess that is my “Idea” page—it looks as it’s time to get organized and clear out some disjointed thoughts & observations. So, roll up your sleeves as we have some house cleaning to do!                                            *          *          *          …

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