Author: Doug Ankerman

My Odd Sock Garners Premier Rating!

My Odd Sock Garners Premier Rating!

Because I have been brain dead, please enjoy this coveted but repeat My Odd Sock. New stuff will return early next week.  I promise. My Odd Sock, a MS/Humor website,  was recently awarded “four and a half walkers out of a possible five” by the Multiple Sclerosis Consortium & Flea Market Association. My Odd Sock …

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Burt Reynolds, Ned Beatty & Me

Burt Reynolds, Ned Beatty & Me

Because I am being a lazy cow, please enjoy this repeat My Odd Sock! In 1972, Burt Reynolds, Ned Beatty, Ronnie Cox and Jon Voight starred in the movie “Deliverance.” This scary flick was about a whitewater canoe trip gone very bad. I call the movie “scary” because I was absolutely petrified that something like …

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MS Sweet Tweets

MS Sweet Tweets

Are you on Twitter? Do you “tweet?” Me neither.  But maybe we should because Twitter is perfect for those of us with multiple sclerosis! Perfect for the reason…a message on Twitter is limited to just 140 characters. That’s an ideal size for MSers. Any larger and we would forget what we wrote the line before…Any …

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Rest In Peace

Rest In Peace

Welcome. We are gathered here today NOT for amusement, but in sorrow. Not in joy.  And laughter.  But in anguish.  And loss. You see, we have come together to pay our respects to a beloved member of the My Odd Sock household, who departed this life twenty-three years young. May we bow our heads as …

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Absence Of Knowledge

Absence Of Knowledge

    Reading about last week’s death of Annette Funicello, a long-time sufferer of multiple sclerosis, I uncovered a quote by hear I found to be interesting. The article stated when Funicello was finally diagnosed, she recalled…”I knew nothing about MS, and you are afraid of the unknown.  I plowed into books.”   Thinking about …

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Prom Season

Prom Season

    It’s Prom Season! That means throughout the land, young men & women are busy planning the grandest time of their lives.  Prom today has evolved into a whole orchestra of activities & responsibilities.  More than just finding a dress for the ladies and renting a tux for the guys, couples today have “themes” …

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Attention-Getting Headlines

Attention-Getting Headlines

      You gotta love the magazine rack at the check-out. It’s so nice of the store to offer reading material for those of us standing in line!  I mean, they’re there for the same reason the doctor puts magazines in the lobby, right? The headlines of these rag-mags fascinate me the most–as the …

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Easter Egg Yolks

Easter Egg Yolks

      This being the Easter holiday weekend, we find ourselves busy with family & friends in various activities & traditions.   It’s also the perfect time for My Odd Sock to browse through the sale ads for Easter delights in celebration of the occasion.   C’mon, let’s shop till we drop…..     …

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March MS Awareness Month Madness

March MS Awareness Month Madness

  I’m going to phone this one in and re-run an older My Odd Sock.  (You probably forgot about this one anyway!)    The month of March is widely recognized for two exciting events. March is not only known for being “MS Awareness Month, but also the time of year for the NCAA basketball Championships. …

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Side Effects May Include

Side Effects May Include

    Soo many drugs.  Soo many possible side effects. One has to laugh when watching any one of the prescription drug commercials on TV.  It consists of twenty seconds of info about the drug…followed by forty seconds of the most gruesome side effects you’ll ever hear!  (Is this a drug commercial or an experiment …

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