Author: Doug Ankerman

The Not Too Late For Father’s Day Gift Guide

The Not Too Late For Father’s Day Gift Guide

Father’s Day is here.  Time to honor Dad for all the things on the To-Do list that he never did. My Odd Sock has scoured sinks and literally hundreds, no nearly ten, of the finest newspaper circulars to find this motley collection of gifts for dear old Dad on his special day. Before you shower …

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My Odd Sock Final Exam

My Odd Sock Final Exam

It’s the end of the school year. And time to take your final exam. Let’s see how much you know about multiple sclerosis…and what you have learned from this web site.  (Really?  Are you kidding me?) Let’s begin….. Name ______________ Question #1 This picture represents… A)   “Sticky”, Hallmark’s mascot for Secretaries day. B)   …

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America’s Greatest Unnatural Resource

America’s Greatest Unnatural Resource

This great land was built with energy. The coal we mine from the ground. The oil we reap from the land and sea. And the natural gas that flows beneath our Croc-covered feet. But we mustn’t forget about America’s greatest unnatural resource…found in an unending supply in our own laundry rooms. It’s dryer lint. Just …

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You Are Worth A Fortune

You Are Worth A Fortune

Multiple sclerosis may have squashed your self-image. It may have slashed your self-worth. But now my fellow MSer, you can hold your head high (If you are not too fatigued). Because the New York Post has reported that rich people are hiring the disabled as “tour guides” at Walt Disney World! What? Me?  A tour …

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Access Denied

Access Denied

Because I am being a lazy bum this week, please enjoy this repeat My Odd Sock. OK, maybe “access denied” is a bit extreme. Let’s try “access impeded”…or “access inconvenienced.” Whatever you call it, if you use a wheelchair, scooter or rollator, getting around, into, or out of a place, building or activity can be …

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Old As A Stump

Old As A Stump

I am officially old. I say this NOT because at my next birthday, I’ll receive my obligatory membership to AARP. Nor is it because I am finding grey hair in weird places.  (Grey nose hair?  What the hell!) I proclaim this truth about folks like me who can’t hold their bladders long enough to sit …

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My Doc Is Right For Me

My Doc Is Right For Me

A My Odd Sock apology.  I’m having a Dr. Phil moment. My doc is right for me.  And me for him.  We’re a good fit. We both do our best to keep multiple sclerosis at arm’s length. Finding a doctor that suits your style is half the battle when combating MS or ANY disease for …

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Consumer Research Dept.

Consumer Research Dept.

Always working on your behalf, the Consumer Research Department of My Odd Sock has been busy searching the shelves of local retailers to ensure your dollar goes further. Unable to come up with any constructive advice, we have uncovered some product oddities we would like to share… The Keebler elves have been baking delicious cookies, …

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A Dizzy Mother’s Daze

A Dizzy Mother’s Daze

Sunday is Mother’s Day, a special day indeed! And celebrating Mom is what this My Odd Sock is all about. Mother’s Day is a day of warm thoughts, kind words, enduring love and most importantly…..GIFTS. But what do you buy for a Mom who seemingly has everything? Well, our fine retailers seem to know what …

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Spirit Booster

Spirit Booster

There is no doubt about it—multiple sclerosis can dish out some pretty heavy licks to a person physically, but I believe the mental aspects of the disease are just as severe. MS crushes confidence. It strips a person’s self-worth like a putty knife on wallpaper. Multiple sclerosis attacks your “will” until it becomes a “won’t.” …

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