Author: Doug Ankerman

Advertising 101

Advertising 101

Good morning students.  Today’s lesson is “Advertising.” You should advertise with intent.  Your ad and/or commercial should cultivate an urgency in the consumer. “I must have this product!” “I need this service!” “I gotta try it!” And the message should then motivate the target audience with a call to action. At least that’s the way …

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For Men Only

For Men Only

This was written for MEN with multiple sclerosis. Written from a man’s perspective. Understood by those of us with a “Y” chromosome. If females try to read this, they will become confused by the hidden, secret code words (topics only guys understand) scattered throughout in bold face type. I hear you brother—you got diagnosed with …

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One For The Ages

One For The Ages

“You go ahead, I’m winded” I said to those watching me attempt to blow out the candles. The heat rising from the cake was enough to singe the hair growing in my ears. Birthdays are inconsequential to me.  Just numbers really.  So I don’t care when mine comes around. As a kid, birthdays are a …

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MS Fact Or Fiction

MS Fact Or Fiction

Like any disease, multiple sclerosis has its share of misinformation being circulated by word of mouth or via the Internet. While many, more credible sources, word to dispel the major myths of MS, here at My Odd Sock, we are busy clearing away the lesser known hearsay of our disease. With that, we present “MS …

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Your Go-To Feel-Good Song

Your Go-To Feel-Good Song

MS or not, each of us has our share of good days and bad. When in the middle of a bad day, the dark clouds seem to swirl around your head…bringing you down like water draining in a bathtub (minus the hair & soap scum). To avoid getting sucked down the drain of despair, folks …

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Would You Or Wouldn’t You?

Would You Or Wouldn’t You?

Medical marijuana is today’s big health debate. Experts struggle over the treatment benefits. States grapple with legality issues. While our representatives in D.C. fuss over their reelection campaigns. Fourteen states already offer medical marijuana as a viable treatment option for numerous medical conditions, including MS. Meanwhile, other states are working to put the issue before …

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2nd Annual My Odd Sock Back-To-School Shopping Guide

2nd Annual My Odd Sock Back-To-School Shopping Guide

For the second year in a row, My Odd Sock presents the worst of the worst in back-to-school products. The ridiculous. The stupid. The “You’ve got to be kidding.” Let’s go shopping to see what we’re missing….. Bed Bath & Beyond (my favorite store) checks in with the “GoGo Pillow.” The ad tells us the …

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Nice Pair!

Nice Pair!

When you have MS related foot-drop like I do, a nice pair is essential. Shoes, that is. A nice pair of shoes. Not even a pair of shoes that look good.  I’m referring to shoes that easily tread over ALL surfaces. Not too grippy, but not too slippery. Too much grip or too much slip …

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What Happened To Breakfast?

What Happened To Breakfast?

Experts agree.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’s important as it “breaks” your “fast” between last night’s dinner and today’s lunch.  Hence the name, breakfast. I admit, it’s my favorite meal of the day. There is nothing I enjoy more than a bowl of cereal with a sliced banana and  maybe …

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