Author: Doug Ankerman

Holiday Wishes

Holiday Wishes

My Odd Sock extends its warmest Christmas greeting to all! Celebrating the wonderful sights of the season, we are proud to offer you some heartfelt images capturing the spirit of the season. Enjoy. Let’s see…a Ruger for Molly, a Smith & Wesson for Steve. Over a month ago when I clipped this ad from the …

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My Odd Sock’s Not-So-Great Christmas Gift Ideas

My Odd Sock’s Not-So-Great Christmas Gift Ideas

Welcome to the long-awaited, highly-anticipated review of many of the oddest gifts, surely NOT to be on anyone’s gift list. Let’s get shopping, shall we……. First up, what child wouldn’t want this super-hero action figure…..with a bulging crotch pocket? It’s in your face action, for sure! Geez, does Superman carry his wallet in there or …

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Candid Conversations

Candid Conversations

You have probably wondered what exactly your MS meds are doing. But are you curious about what they may be saying? I was. So I used a highly-sensitive recording device to capture the conversations between several syringes. Here, in a My Odd Sock exclusive, are excerpts of my findings…. Yes, quite compelling indeed.  I thought …

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A Cruel, Cruel Christmas

A Cruel, Cruel Christmas

The decorations adorning the My Odd Sock Christmas tree hold special meaning. Each ornament tells a story of a time & place of good memories. Some are the silly ones the kids made in school. While others were given to us by loved ones who have passed on. I enjoy looking at each piece in …

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My Odd Sock MS Midterm Exam

My Odd Sock MS Midterm Exam

Well, you’ve made it halfway through the school year. But before you can enjoy the holiday break, you must take the dreaded MS Midterm Exam. Let’s hope you’ve paid attention during your doctor’s visits.  Studied up with Momentum magazine and the other outstanding online MS resources.  And of course, kept up-to-date with the usual brain-numbings …

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Christmas Snickerz

Christmas Snickerz

Ah, tis the holiday season. The lights.  The trees.  The tinsel. Every where you look, one must love the festive atmosphere. Even here at the My Odd Sock corporate office, every room is decorated in Christmas splendor. That fact came to my realization just yesterday, as I tried to use the company facility (bathroom). My …

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Naming Your MS Blog

Naming Your MS Blog

Hope you enjoy this previously soiled My Odd Sock! So you want to write about your MS in a blog?  That’s great!  What you’ll need to do first is think of a unique name for your blog and register it as a domain name with a company like Go  (Yes, I hate Go Daddy’s …

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Q & A with MS

Q & A with MS

I’m busy stuffing my Thanksgiving turkey, so please enjoy this tired My Odd Sock rerun….. After days of repeated requests, the My Odd Sock Investigative Team is proud to bring you an exclusive interview with…Multiple Sclerosis. Never before has a disease been this candid! You will not only hear but see actual photographs of MS …

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Exercise Your Face Off

Exercise Your Face Off

Warning:  This post contains pictures that may frighten young children.  Please “exercise” caution. People workout for their pecs, abs, bi’s, tri’s, traps, delts, lats, quads, hammy’s & glutes—but they rarely exercise the muscles….of their face! Did you know you have 43 muscles in your face just waiting to be used? Instead, we let gravity take …

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My Odd Sock’s Early Christmas Gift Guide

My Odd Sock’s Early Christmas Gift Guide

Oh how the holiday’s sneak up on us! Each year, it seems the retailers begin earlier & earlier to cram the thoughts of holiday shopping down our gullets. And here at My Odd Sock, we’re no different! That’s why I would like to share a few of my favorite gift ideas so far this holiday …

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