Author: Doug Ankerman

Brain Drain #17

Brain Drain #17

Hey, why not enjoy this Best Of Brain Drain.  Number 17 if you are scoring at home. Maybe I am as flat as an open can of PBR left in the afternoon sun. But nothing has really gotten my knickers in a twist lately.  That is…till this week when I found some oddities to share …

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Brain Drain #6

Brain Drain #6

Let’s check out some Best Of “Brain Drains.”  Here is #6. Put your hands together for a My Odd Sock favorite…..Brain Drain! For those of you new to My Odd Sock, Brain Drain is an opportunity to pull the plug on the offbeat thoughts bouncing around in this big, empty head of mine.  Let’s get this …

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The Buzz About Bees Part Two

The Buzz About Bees Part Two

Here is another Best Of Bee Stings–Part Two! Please enjoy! Remember how apprehensive you were taking your first shot of MS medication? Well, getting your first bee sting is much the same. We tend to think back to when we were kids, running barefoot through the grass and stepping on a bee.  Painful memories for …

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The Buzz About Bees Part One

The Buzz About Bees Part One

Please enjoy the sting of this Best Of about Bee Stings.  Part Two follows. Bee stings.  Apitherapy.  Bee venom therapy.  Call it what you want—I even call it “crazy!”  But the truth is, I’ve been getting stung, not accidently-but on purpose, since September of 2002.  Bee stings are my little way of thumbing my nose …

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An Explosive Independence Day

An Explosive Independence Day

All across these United States, folks are celebrating our nation’s birth. The Fourth of July has become a holiday of outdoor gatherings, cookouts and a carbohydrate-induced coma of potato salad. With many of these activities culminating in an evening display of fireworks. Looking through a catalog from a local fireworks dealer, I was reminded of …

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Who Me?

Who Me?

Just after the local high school’s graduation ceremony, I found myself in the middle of a crush of new grads, proud parents and others. It was then I was approached by an older gentleman (a person I’ve known casually for several of years). We shook hands while I congratulated him on his grandson’s graduation. That’s …

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Young Dork

Young Dork

Admit it. Born a dork.  Always a dork. It took many years of painstakingly careful, sheltered nurturing to become the dork I am today. Proof can be found in the 1973 Polaroid photo of a 10-year-old My Odd Sock shown below….. C’mon, let’s poke fun with a little kidding. I’ll start….. Which one’s the dummy? …

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Down On The Farm

Down On The Farm

Sometimes it’s good to get back to your roots.  Recently, I decided to do just that. To go home.  Where I grew up.  In a small farming community in NW Ohio. Although I didn’t live on a farm–I spent a good part of my days there.  So I know my way around the barnyard. That’s …

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MS Commencement Ceremony

MS Commencement Ceremony

It was held-back the last time, so enjoy this graduation post one more time! Tis that time of year when smiling, fresh faces cross the stage to receive their diplomas. It is a time to celebrate not only, the hard work and commitment of years past, but also the enticement of what lies ahead in …

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My Odd Sock’s MS Emoticons

My Odd Sock’s MS Emoticons

Sharing emoticons in our modern-day communications have become as popular as sharing the cold virus with a handshake. The cutesy smiling face 🙂 adds a happy tone to a sentence. While a frowny face 🙁 can alert others you are not having a good day. As frequently as emoticons are used in emails & text …

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