Author: Doug Ankerman



      According to the National MS Society, multiple sclerosis is at least two to three times more common in women than men.   For the overwhelming majority of female patients, the abbreviation MS is fitting as MS, like Mrs & Miss, is also a proper greeting.     But as one of the …

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The Perfect MS Drug

The Perfect MS Drug

        Your quest for the perfect MS drug.   Certainly we could all agree the perfect treatment for multiple sclerosis would include the ability to cure, be effective, restore myelin, minimum side effects and available to all at a reasonable cost.   But I found myself wondering what else might we include …

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Sh#@ I Don’t Need

Sh#@ I Don’t Need

    Each day, you the consumer, are faced with a barrage of messages vying for your attention—and your money. Buy this.  Buy that.  Save this.  Get that.  Act now.  Order today.  Call now.  Reserve yours. To help you sort through the endless, mind-numbing enticements, My Odd Sock presents something I like to call…..   …

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One Handed

One Handed

    Not right handed. Not left handed. I’m one handed.   Wait, you say.  It’s obvious from the picture you have both hands…so what do ya mean by claiming you are one handed?   Well, many of us with multiple sclerosis have a terrible sense of balance. Me personally, I am more unsteady than …

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Bad Hair Day

Bad Hair Day

        I’m having a bad hair day. Who am I kidding—a bad hair “DAY” is an understatement. More like a bad hair quarter-century!   My entire 30’s were a bad hair decade.  I lost hair faster than an IRA lost value during the Bush Administration.   In my 40’s hair seemed to …

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The Ol’ Switcheroo

The Ol’ Switcheroo

  There are times, whether you want to or not, when you are faced with doing the nasty deed. No, not that. I’m referring to changing your healthcare provider.     To someone with no major health problems, this isn’t such a big deal. But when you have a chronic illness, like multiple sclerosis, change …

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Playing Footsie

Playing Footsie

    I do not have a foot fetish. It only appears that way. Through illness (multiple sclerosis), I have become obsessed by how feet do their thang (or how they don’t in my case). Though I am not alone in my preoccupation as most MSer’s I know have the same problems.  A “one-size-fits-all” if …

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Brain Drain #23

Brain Drain #23

      It’s time once again for “Brain Drain.” Realizing it has been over a year since the last “Brain Drain”, let me explain that periodically I am forced to pull the cranium plug of my noggin & release the clutter built-up between my ears. Hence, “Brain Drain.” And since this is #23 in …

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MS Anger

MS Anger

   Go ahead, vent & let it out as you read this previously used My Odd Sock…..       When faced with something bigger than oneself, fear is a common response. Then over time, fear is slow-cooked, crock-pot style into a steaming stew of anger.   That’s where I find myself on occasion these days. …

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Wear’em With MS Pride

Wear’em With MS Pride

Thought I would shake out the wrinkles on this post from a couple years ago. Enjoy….   Those of us with multiple sclerosis look to many avenues to staying positive. Whether you choose motivating books, presentations, movies or websites, the uplifting messages help you cope with chronic disease. Lately I’ve noticed the popularity of MS …

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