Author: Doug Ankerman



  As one with multiple sclerosis, you are well aware of all the crazy, wacky “cures” touted by a countless number of shucksters on the Internet. Cranberry, Ginko, Turmeric, Vitamin D, Diets, Bee stings, CCSVI and the list goes on & on. I’m not one to discredit a treatment option as it may just work …

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Twenty Things I Have Learned Having MS

Twenty Things I Have Learned Having MS

How many can you relate with?  Please enjoy this re-run of an old My Odd Sock…..       It’s true.  My Odd Sock has been away for quite a while.  (Just long enough for the nightmares to subside, right?)   But my time away hasn’t all been wasted.  (Most of it yes, but not …

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The MS Guide To The Movies

The MS Guide To The Movies

Hope you enjoy the 2nd run of this old My Odd Sock…stale popcorn & all……      My Odd Sock and multiple sclerosis go Hollywood! Many titles of feature films can be related to MS in some way, shape or form.  My Odd Sock thought it might be fun to draw some red-carpet comparisons to …

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My Odd Sock’s 500th

My Odd Sock’s 500th

  Hard to believe it has been seven years since My Odd Sock germinated from a brain fart of an idea…to the vast waste of Internet bit space it has become today. This is My Odd Sock’s 500th post…and still not one tidbit of useful information.  (Would you expect any more?) My Odd Sock began …

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Fifth-Grade Frolic

Fifth-Grade Frolic

        The treasures one finds and the memories dredged up when digging through boxes. A recent excavation uncovered my school yearbook & grade card from the fifth-grade.   Join me as we go back in time, won’t you…..       Ah, Centennial Elementary, where I was basically a warm ass in …

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MS Memorial

MS Memorial

Next Monday is Memorial Day, a time to honor & remember those who served and gave their lives for our freedom. Memorial Day means a lot to me–and I get quite emotional at observances. I think of the great-uncle I never knew who died on D-Day at Normandy…a cousin I barely knew who was killed …

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Use Your Tools

Use Your Tools

    As one with multiple sclerosis, walking, yeah simple walking, can be a misadventure of mobility.  (Tell me something I don’t know!) But trying to carry something while walking can be a downright catastrophe! Especially if you are like me and use a mobility aid like canes, crutches, rollator, wheelchair, scooter…or a combo of …

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What’s For Sale

What’s For Sale

    “That’s gold, Jerry! Gold!” is Kenny Bania’s famous line from a classic episode of Seinfeld. Through the years, My Odd Sock has struck gold in goofy ads from the classified section of the local paper. The following gem was given to me by a dear friend who knows my fondness for the stupidly …

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        Time for a little multiple sclerosis fun (Duh, when isn’t MS fun?). In this mindless post (Duh, aren’t they ALL mindless?), you’ll be given a picture and three possible captions. Your job is to pick the caption that best describes the picture. Sound fun? So easy, let’s begin…..     #1 …

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Anatomy of a Slugger

Anatomy of a Slugger

          Baseball season is in full swing. Neighborhood ball diamonds are a flurry of activity as players & teams strive for greatness. The unmistakeable sound of bat meeting ball takes me back years ago to my own scrappy play on the fields. The choking dust blowing as an ump calls balls …

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