Author: Doug Ankerman

Driving For Christmas

Driving For Christmas

  It truly IS a special time of year. The nip in the air.  The bustle of busy people. And the excitement of a certain day to come.   Yes, Hyundai Holidays are here. Cars shined bright. Salesmen in sweaters way too tight.         The wreaths, ribbons & lights so fond… can …

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Raising Canes

Raising Canes

    Although being “blessed” with multiple sclerosis for over 20 years now, it has only been the last eight or so that I have been leaning on a cane.   Or ‘canes’ as I now use two. In the beginning there was the typical public embarrassment. Getting use to the stares as a seemingly …

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My Odd Sock Christmas Wish List

My Odd Sock Christmas Wish List

Dear Santa, Hope you are well. I have been a good MSer this year. Listed below are some things I would like for Christmas……       Soap-On-A-Rope-   It is amazing how many times the bar of soap slips from my hands during a shower. I end up kicking the soap with the foot skills …

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Product Placement

Product Placement

    So many products.  So many choices. The world is an endless marketplace. That’s why My Odd Sock is here to help you sort through the good, the bad & the downright silly goods all vying for the dough in your pocketbook.   Let’s go shopping shall we…..   Petzi Remote Treat Cam   …

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    A lot of change has occurred in recent days. A change in seasons. The weather changed. Some changed their clocks. In sports, champions change. Ranking change.  Relationships change. Even last week we had a change in leaders.   And through all this change, one thing remains steadfast—we have our multiple sclerosis. MS hangs …

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Language Barrier

Language Barrier

      I am an American. Born here.  Raised here. I speak English.  Always have. Although I DID take a full-year of Romanian in college…and enjoyed it, I barely remember any of the language.  (It was college, okay?)     Well my stubborness to being bilingual has recently come back to bite me in …

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‘Twas The Night Before Elections

‘Twas The Night Before Elections

A quick post on election eve……   “Twas The Night Before Elections” Poorly written by My Odd Sock   ‘Twas the night before elections and all through the polls, not a candidate was stirring, not even a troll.   Hillary’s pantsuit was hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that victory soon would be …

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Royal Flush

Royal Flush

    I shuffled into the restroom at the roadside McDonalds. With multiple sclerosis, when the urge hits–you must take care of business! That’s the great thing about McDonalds–they’re everywhere.  I call them “America’s corporate rest stop.” It also may explain why the arches are golden…but that’s a whole nuther discussion!     Making my …

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Clueless Classified

Clueless Classified

      A newspaper’s classified ads are the unheralded leader of entertainment.   And as you know by now, a vital source of useless fodder for this dismal web page.     That being said, my dear (and eagle-eyed) friend Leah shared yet another classified gem from the local fish wrap…..     It’s …

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Driving Me Nuts

Driving Me Nuts

  Having multiple sclerosis challenges so many aspects of your life. From the simpliest task to the most difficult situation, an MSer battles far greater adversity than just stepping over a high curb.   One thing we do is drive and/or ride in a motor vehicle. We think nothing of a 40 minute drive to …

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