Author: Doug Ankerman

My Odd Sock’s Dumb Stuff

My Odd Sock’s Dumb Stuff

      Welcome to My Odd Sock’s “Dumb Stuff” where we feature absurd products that make little sense.   Today, we thumb our way through Parade Magazine.   As you may know, Parade is the weekly insert found in the Sunday paper.  It features celebrity news, tidbits, recipes along with ads for products that …

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MS Horoscope

MS Horoscope

      Everyone knows a horoscope is used to forecast futures and a person’s character based on the position of stars & planets at the time of their birth. Yeah, whether or not that is true is a toss-up. Some believe.  Others don’t. But mostly horoscopes are enjoyed for entertainment with a dash of …

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Know Your Abrasion

Know Your Abrasion

Because I have run out of time, let’s roll with a My Odd Sock from the archives.  I hope you enjoy…and can relate (safely)!      Let’s play an MSer’s favorite game of cuts, scrapes and bruises.  It’s time for…. “Know Your Abrasion”       Hmm, a bruise on your arm. Did you… A)  …

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MS Stands For…

MS Stands For…

    By visiting My Odd Sock one can assume: A) you are extremely bored & B) you know “MS” stands for Multiple Sclerosis.   Though I can’t help you much with your boredom, I CAN show you that when one has the dreaded ick known as “MS,” those two letters mean so much more. …

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Dear Sir

Dear Sir

        The following is a letter to the man I spoke with last week.           Dear Sir, Not sure if you remember me, but I was the guy with two canes slowly shuffling on the school track . I remember you as you described a recent heart attack …

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How Soft Have We Become?

How Soft Have We Become?

    “How soft have we become?” I ask myself examining the toilet paper just purchased from the store. We seem obsessed with terms like soft, plush, cushiony, comfy & delicate when it comes to our backside. Like we’ve been using asbestos all these years & we want to change it up. It is amazing …

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I Want Ocrevus!

I Want Ocrevus!

    We have been hearing about this new MS medication in the works for several years. And finally this week, the FDA granted approval for Ocrevus (short for ocrelizumab). Now what? All the high-fives surround Ocrevus because it is the first & only approved treatment for progressive forms of multiple sclerosis.   (That’s my …

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Brain Drain #24

Brain Drain #24

      Welcome to “Brain Drain,” where I pull the plug to drain the cranium of absurdity. It has been some time since the last dump, so I must be mellowing in my AARP years! Here are a few items of note that have floated to the top in recent days.   Like a …

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MS Motivations

MS Motivations

    When you have multiple sclerosis, who can’t use a little motivation now & again. But where do you find such messages? Well, look no further than My Odd Sock for spirited quips sure to put a skip in your gimpy step!     Here are some specially crafted gems of positivity for your …

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Sleep Pattern

Sleep Pattern

      Of all the silly, crazy things multiple sclerosis does to your body during the day, the fun doesn’t stop when the sun goes down. Heck no! With a shift change, the MS Night Crew clocks in & takes over for even more merry mischief.     While most MS-free folks are peacefully …

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