Author: Doug Ankerman

Tale Wagging Fun

Tale Wagging Fun

Because I have writer’s block, please plug your nose and enjoy this encore My Odd Sock.   This is Maggie, a three-year old Cockapoo rescued from the shelter by my mother. Weighing just 11 pounds, Maggie is little pooch who gives my Mom big attention.     Maggie is very social, rarely barks and only …

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MS Skills

MS Skills

Because I’m feeling a bit lazy, here is something I wrote for the M.S.A.A. blog.  Enjoy.   It is difficult to accept when multiple sclerosis steals your ability to work. A lifetime of training and talent gone.  Poof. I know it was for me after giving over twenty years of sweat & soul in radio …

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Aim Of Throne

Aim Of Throne

        Multiple sclerosis does wicked things to a person’s psyche, confidence & soul.   The following is a dramatic account of one such event.     The parties involved include:   The toilet.         The floor.           And me, aka My Odd Sock.     …

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Dude, Where’s My Bank?

Dude, Where’s My Bank?

    As a kid I opened a savings account where my parents did their banking. It was a stately place with marble counters, pens on chains and a steel door to the vault taller than me and just as wide. It had a stately name as well, the First National Bank. Our town also …

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MS: How Much Do You Know?

MS: How Much Do You Know?

  So you are patting yourself on the back for your knowledge of multiple sclerosis, huh? You have read the research. Visited the websites. Books, journals, studys, ect ect. You know so much about multiple sclerosis YOU should be wearing a white coat.   But before we start calling you “Doc”, it’s time to test …

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Warning: Graphic Violence

Warning: Graphic Violence

One of my very favorite My Odd Sock’s (I’m weird that way).  Please enjoy…and beware of eye strain. While many concern themselves with the amount of violence on television, movies and video games…..I say “Phooey!” The violence found in today’s media & popular culture is nothing when compared to the violence found on warning labels …

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A Clean Slate

A Clean Slate

  A clean slate. A do-over. Fresh start. Another shot. Mulligan (I ask for many in golf). Whatever you call them, everyone gets’em–and they come in darn handy!   You can enjoy a clean slate at work, school, meetings, church, gym, at home, anywhere. A chance to regroup, collect your thoughts & pull up your …

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Know Your Knock-offs

Know Your Knock-offs

  You gotta love knock-off brands.  You can save money and you really don’t notice the difference in taste.  (Well, not too much.) Knock-offs are sly as they package their goods using similar color schemes as the original. And because product names are copyrighted, knock-offs must cleverly use titles that closely mock the true brand. …

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Give It A Finger

Give It A Finger

    Multiple Sclerosis can affect so many areas of our mind & body, one needs a scorecard to keep track. One area that MS bothers me most is…my hands.   Fingers, in particular. Mind you, my middle finger works just fine.  Simply ask the driver who rides my bumper like a second coat of …

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Math Misfit

Math Misfit

  Digging through some papers, I happened across one of my illustrious report cards from high school. Immediately my heart quickened & my stomach tightened, reliving those not-so stellar days of academia. Math wasn’t my strong suit (Neither was any other subject for that matter) and this report card showed it.     Algebra 2 …

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