Author: Doug Ankerman

Lean On Me

Lean On Me

  I am a leaner. Can’t help it. And frankly, I blame multiple sclerosis. I lean.  On everything.  Have since about 2005.     I feel as though I am going backward on the evolutionary scale because of my prominent “poop stoop” leaning posture.       I point my shaky finger at MS for …

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Middle Squeezers

Middle Squeezers

  There comes a time when differences appear. A realization that one is alone.  Individual, not by choice, but habit. Where there is no right, nor wrong…just action, practice and propriety.   My fair and lofty sentiments reflect a conclusive feeling of aversion that I, as a end-squeezer, live amongst a family of…middle-squeezers.     …

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MS Has Taught Me…

MS Has Taught Me…

    Lessons? There is plenty to learn when you have multiple sclerosis. Here are just some of the valuable things MS has taught me.   MS has taught me…   …how to spell sclerosis, spasticity & exacerbation. …how to quickly reach my health insurance deductible. …how falling in grass is softer than the floor. …

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Breakfast Collusion

Breakfast Collusion

  Collusion is a touchy subject these days. You can’t escape the buzz of collusion anywhere in the media.  And now collusion has infiltrated your morning breakfast table. Yes, I am about to open the curtain wide…exposing the truth of collusion between cereal makers and those evil-doers threatening to sweeten the good part of your …

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My Odd Sock’s MS Confessional

My Odd Sock’s MS Confessional

      Sometimes I fail to do the right things for multiple sclerosis.   Now is the time to enter the booth and admit my wrongs.     Forgive me doctor for I have stumbled (Sorry, no pun intended).   I have been in conversation with a familiar person while being unable to recall …

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Under Pressure

Under Pressure

    EVERYONE knows how temperature affects your multiple sclerosis but have you ever given a thought about barometric pressure? Sure you’ve heard the “weather-heads” on the news talk about barometric pressure. Do you know what it means?   Barometric pressure, or atmospheric pressure, is the force exerted against a surface by the weight of …

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Having The Big O

Having The Big O

  After years of abstinence, I must confess I succumbed to temptation. Primal urge too strong to resist. The setting was bright.  And sterile.  But I didn’t care. My mind was made up.  My heart swollen with desire. Today I would be having the big O.   Ocrevus.   Wait, what were you thinking, you filthy …

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A Merry Christmas To All!

A Merry Christmas To All!

  My Odd Sock would like to wish the wondrous readers of this lame website a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for your loyal eyes and lively comments throughout the past year. Thank you for your smiles for the funny stuff…and retching tummy spasms with the not-so funny.   In a fitting tribute to the …

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Snow Prints (In Pictures!)

Snow Prints (In Pictures!)

Four inches of snow on the ground, time to shovel out a classic My Odd Sock.  Watch your step & enjoy…      A pictorial of animal tracks in the snow…..       Dog     Bird       Raccoon   MSer walking with a cane.    MSer with right foot drop.    MSer …

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  Indictments are popular these days, getting thrown around in the news more than rice at a wedding.   Being the cranky old man that I am, here are a few indictments I would like to add to the pile…..     Perfume Inserts in a Macy’s ad:   I indict the person responsible for …

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