Author: Doug Ankerman

I’m Rich!

I’m Rich!

    This could possibly be my last posting to this scrap-heap of a website. It has been fun while it lasted, but soon My Odd Sock will be filthy rich.     That is, according to the email I received below…   “Greetings you have been gifted $5 MILLION USD From Mr. Bill Gates. …

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got which kind?

got which kind?

  Me:  “I’m off to the store.” Voice:  “Get some milk.” Me:  “Okay.” Famous last words. Because a short time later, a breezy chill of refrigeration tickled exposed skin. There I was, face to face, with a behemoth wall of dairy. Jugs, cartons, bottles…large & small…bedazzled my milk-toast mind. When did milk decide to diversify? …

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Bath Time

Bath Time

  Life with multiple sclerosis is all about making adjustments. Small changes to make things easier. Convenience over struggle. It’s what coping with chronic disease entails. But I’m not telling you anything you anything you don’t already know.  It’s what we do, right?   Like my situation lately.  Due to an injury during a fall, …

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    Leftovers. What’s left when all is done. Nary to waste a single morsel, here are a few remaining topics found deep in the folder. Leftovers.  My Odd Sock style…..     ZZZzzzz   Can’t sleep?  Try reading this petty website before sack-time. If that doesn’t work, Bose has your answer. Bose introduces their …

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MS Tabloid Headlines

MS Tabloid Headlines

  The tabloids.  Journalism at its lowest. I don’t buy them but I do admit reading the eye-popping, ridiculous headlines while in line at the checkout. (That’s why they are there, right?) As much as I enjoy keeping up with the latest alien abduction, Elvis sighting or who is currently dating Bigfoot, I notice the …

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Seeing The Light

Seeing The Light

  A broken collarbone changes life temporarily. But little did I know my situation would have me seeing the light.   Unable to climb the stairs to our bedrooms, a make-shift sleeping area was established for me in the living room with a nice big picture window. My bed.  Plenty of room.  Cozy & comfy. …

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National MS Days of June

National MS Days of June

  All the time you hear things like the day being National Cheese Day, National Plant-A-Flower Day or National Take-A-Hike Day. It’s crazy.  It seems as though EVERYTHING has a national day of its own.   June is plumb full of such days. Including many of which pertain to life with multiple sclerosis. Never heard of …

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Doggone Silly

Doggone Silly

  As pet owners we go over-the-top for our furry friends. The choices of toys, bedding, even food & treats are overwhelming. The days of a tennis ball, blanket and a bowl of Purina are so passe it is ridiculous. We treat our pets better than some nations care for their people–but that’s a whole …

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A Different Perspective

A Different Perspective

Sometimes you need to take a moment to see where you are. Take in your situation. Realize how lucky you have it. Because there is always someone worse. Recent events changed the party theme for me as I tumbled down our stairs and broke my right collarbone. (Also broke the index finger on my left …

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Hit The Shower

Hit The Shower

Time to clean-up with this older My Odd Sock sudsy post.  Enjoy!     There’s nothing new about taking a shower. Most of us go through this routine process nearly every day.  (Once a week for me.) Yet lately I have felt stranger in the shower. A closed-in feeling of claustrophobia. Between walls of fiberglass …

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