Author: Doug Ankerman



  Part man.  Part beast.  That’s what it comes down to. This is what I am.  A manimal. So just suck it up and accept it, right? I am having trouble dealing with growing older. Especially this hair thing.  Oh, I still have hair.  But as the years drag on, I find it growing in …

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MS Fortune Cookies

MS Fortune Cookies

  The fortune cookie is the most anticipated part of a Chinese meal. The cookie-part sucks, honestly.  It’s the paper fortune inside that we seek most.  The message usually leaves us scratching our head for meaning, but often is worth sharing with our table mates. Some folks even keep their fortune, tucking them away in …

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The Checkout Lane

The Checkout Lane

  There was the usual chaos at the local Walmart that morning.  Five registers were humming along while four hundred customers waited to check out. I was one of them. I only had a single item, cane tips, for $1.76.  Because there was no express lane, I settled in line amongst the fray.  It didn’t …

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MS Anger

MS Anger

    Anger.  The force within.  What is it?  Where does it come from?  Why does it exist? I’ve had multiple sclerosis pert near 23 years now and still my anger can boil over like noodles on a stove. I might not have the energy to lift my dead foot over a two-inch threshold, yet …

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What’s In A Name

What’s In A Name

  A product’s name is everything. It can fuel its success or drown its failure. That’s why companies spend oodles of money on research and product development to get a name juuuuust right. They gather focus groups.  They  nudge & nitpick for impressions, thoughts & motivations.  They pour over test market results to learn what …

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Scooter Overpopulation

Scooter Overpopulation

  In major cities across our great land, a rapidly-growing dilemma has evolved. Amidst rampant problems of homelessness, drug addiction, crumbling infrastructure, pollution and a multitude of social issues, cities are facing yet another sobering debate rearing its ugly head…..scooter overpopulation.     What began as a simple, ingenious idea of providing lazy millennials a …

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Just Zip It

Just Zip It

  Just zip the bag closed. Hmm, easier said than done, right? Whether you have MS fumble-fingers or the dexterity of a Vegas blackjack dealer, the recloseable Ziploc bag has frustrated many. In fact, Borge Madsen, the Danish inventor who first dabbled with plastic zippers back in 1951, is STILL trying to close one of …

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MS Mug Shots

MS Mug Shots

  Personalized coffee mugs are everywhere. Who doesn’t have a coffee mug shoved in the back of the cabinet emblazoned with some photo, witty quote or the logo of a company that closed in 1979. I have a dozen and I don’t even drink coffee! That being said, multiple sclerosis needs a mug or two …

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A Way With Words

A Way With Words

  There have been many famous orators throughout history.  Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, John F. Kennedy and others. Souls who delivered powerful messages of motivation, inspiration, hope and social change.  Stirring speeches that echoed betterment of personal growth, civility & mankind. To this list of greatness I would …

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Socknac the Magnificent

Socknac the Magnificent

  Johnny Carson will forever be my comedy idol. Delivery so smooth.  Wit razor sharp.  Often he was at his funniest when the joke was a dud (which was a rarity). As a kid I struggled to stay up (with permission) to watch him non-school nights.  As an adult I struggled to stay up because, …

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