Author: Doug Ankerman

Good News Bad News

Good News Bad News

    With everything there is good news and bad news. Including multiple sclerosis. Here are some good news/bad news scenarios you may find familiar. Enjoy…..     Good News You are just six steps from the nearest bathroom. Bad News You begin peeing after five. +++++   Good News Your doctor is happy to …

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Writings On The Wall

Writings On The Wall

  The MRI is such a familiar, routine procedure when you have multiple sclerosis. Inside the tube is so generic.  Staring at those empty walls, I think they could use some graffiti.  But what would it be? Here are some of my ideas of writings on the wall…               …

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Have Some Pride

Have Some Pride

  The following is an open letter to zombies.  This cultural phase has long run its course.  It is time to move on to something more constructive.  It is time for all zombies to take a good look at themselves and have some pride.   Dear zombies, Enough already.  Your show has ended.  Halloween has …

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A Cereal Serial

A Cereal Serial

Chow down on this My Odd Sock from ten years ago!   It’s six in the evening and I’m already thinking about………breakfast.  Aren’t you?    I’m thinking about breakfast cereal in particular—I LOVE cereal! The cereal aisle is my favorite place in the grocery store.  So many choices.  So many special offers.  So many characters …

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I Am Different

I Am Different

  It pains me to admit since my MS diagnosis in ’96—-I am different. REALLY?  How did you come to that conclusion, Einstein?  Was it the wheelchair?  Rollator?  Hand controls on your car?  Or was it the half dozen canes scattered throughout the house & garage? No no no, of course I am different physically…heavier, flabbier, …

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Random Sh**

Random Sh**

    Topic ideas. Not worthy of a post on their own but enough ideas & stupid stuff to lump together in what I call “Random Sh**.” Ready? Let’s begin…   Bread Ties Of all the problems in our world today it seems petty to bicker about bread ties, but here goes. Some days I …

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A or B

A or B

  So smarty pants, you think you know everything about MS, huh? Well we will just see about that as My Odd Sock presents “A or B,” a first-of-its-kind multiple choice examination. “A or B” compares images of both modern science to multiple sclerosis in a brain-busting, free-for-all challenge. Grab your cheaters…and a pencil.  Let …

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The Guy From Idaho

The Guy From Idaho

  He is dating the daughter of our friends.  They have been together for several years now. According to her parents, she met him at a convention.  Nice guy.  Treats her well.  They get along.  Mom and dad like him.  Oh, and he’s from Idaho. I can’t recall hearing his name but I do remember …

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MS Haikus

MS Haikus

    The haiku (High-Koo) is a Japanese form of poetry. Only seventeen syllables total in three lines of five, seven and five syllables each.  (My kind of quick read.) Haikus are fun to compose so I thought I would come up with a few that pertain to life with multiple sclerosis. Hope you enjoy.  …

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Helping Hands

Helping Hands

It doesn’t take much to make a difference. One small act of kindness. But on this particular day who was helping whom?   It was a typical hot & humid, dog-day of summer…and I was panting. I eased the car into a spot at the grocery store and began unfolding my limp body from the …

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