Author: Doug Ankerman

World’s Smallest

World’s Smallest

  “World’s Smallest” is a phrase thrown around with great regularity. You will often see pictures of the world’s smallest Pekinese or world’s smallest bicycle. Lots of stuff hawked on TV claims to be the world’s smallest. But it all means nothing to me.  I’m numb to it, as daily, I live in my own …

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My Odd Sock’s MS Face Masks

My Odd Sock’s MS Face Masks

  In the age of personalized everything why not your face mask? (You ARE wearing one, right?) Shop around and you will quickly notice there are NO face masks catering to those of us with multiple sclerosis. That is, till My Odd Sock enters the fray! Here are a few ideas of how a MS …

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  You hear it everywhere… “These are difficult days.” “We are in challenging times.” Hey, you are preaching to the choir, sister! And if you have multiple sclerosis like me, you probably know it as well.     You see, every so often I suffer from a severe case of “antistipation.” Never heard of it? …

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Sneaky Snacks

Sneaky Snacks

    Hmm, maybe I’ll have a snack. Not really hungry just something to tied me over. A nosh. Just pecking on a bit. You know the feeling.   Time to amble over to the pantry and take a looksy to see what I can find.  Always something in the pantry, right?   Behold on …

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Talking Telehealth

Talking Telehealth

  So an upcoming MS check with my specialist will take place via telehealth. My first time.  And I have so many questions! Nothing about MS, mind you.  But about everything else.   First off, what will we talk about? I’m doing fine.  Plugging along. I’m happy with my treatment regimen (Ocrevus for MS, Botox …

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One Tucked Nerd

One Tucked Nerd

  It shouldn’t feel awkward.  But it does. Like the time I forgot pants at Applebee’s.  Hey, the sign said “No shirt, no shoes.”  They made NO mention of pants whatsoever! Sorry I brought that up.  It’s the subject of a whole ‘nuther blog post. I’m talking about shirts here.  To tuck or leave untucked, …

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Medical Mishap

Medical Mishap

  I hesitate even sharing this story as it causes great personal embarrassment. But as My Odd Sock is about keeping it real with multiple sclerosis, I’ll spin this tale of my most recent appointment. As you may know I get injections of Botox in my legs (calves, hamstrings & inner thighs) every three months …

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Jerks of Art

Jerks of Art

  It was last month, roughly the middle of March, as I found myself quietly admiring the piece on the wall. I gasped, like stepping on a Lego, when I noticed the faintly written date at the far bottom.     “3-15-70”     Fifty years ago!  Half a century had passed! Where had time …

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Listen Up

Listen Up

  These are crazy times indeed. Unusual?  Yes.  Disturbing?  Oh yeah.  Overwhelmingly mind-blowing?  Definitely. Then, add multiple sclerosis into the fray and you get an absolute shit-storm. A stressor like mixing Mentos & Diet Coke. It’s really bad if you are a news hound such as myself.  I like to keep up on the latest …

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Mother & Father

Mother & Father

  I’ve never been keen on formalities, especially when it came to addressing my parents as “mother” and “father.” Referring to “my mother” or “my father” in conversation seemed so upper crust.  Like something one would say at the country club wearing a houndstooth jacket, sipping a martini. My experience growing up was quite different.  …

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