Author: Doug Ankerman

The Nose Have It

The Nose Have It

  During the pandemic I have found a new calling. An interest.  A hobby.  Almost an obsession. You see during these mask-wearing, difficult times I have become preoccupied by the nose. And the seemingly difficult time some have of keeping their nose snuggled within their mask, in particular.   I’ve never had that problem. Maybe …

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Crying In A Field

Crying In A Field

  Multiple sclerosis has stolen a lot from me. It’s taken my ability to walk and run. Affected the way I think and talk. Disrupted how I sleep.  Erased my energy.  And squashed my vitality. MS has changed the way I drive.  How I work, socialize & bathe. Pretty much every aspect of my life …

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23 & Me

23 & Me

    From the title you may think this post is about the popular DNA genetic testing company, 23andMe. Well, wrong you are my friend. (Although personally this subject matter is equally as complicated.)     You see in THEIR world, the number 23 refers to the 23-pairs of chromosomes in human DNA.  The genetic …

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A Christmas Bender

A Christmas Bender

  Enjoy this repeat of an older My Odd Sock…   The realities of life are sometimes difficult to accept.  When things aren’t like you imagine them to be.   I’ve been going through a difficult period lately as one of my life long idols appears to be in trouble. I have admired this man …

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A Big Red Bow

A Big Red Bow

    Putting a big red bow on a gift carries significant meaning. A big red bow says this is it!  The top gift!  None better!  What you always wanted!  A show stopper! That’s why you don’t put a big red bow on dish towels, socks or underwear.     A big red bow belongs …

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Treat Yo Self

Treat Yo Self

  That’s right.  Go ahead.  Indulge.  Treat yourself. You deserve it! After dealing with all the shenanigans MS has to offer…the sleepless nights, the falls, constant potty breaks, spasms, vertigo, fatigue, you name it–you also had to cope with a pandemic in 2020! Add it up and you are MORE than deserving of a treat …

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Driving Me (Christmas) Crazy

Driving Me (Christmas) Crazy

  I just don’t get it. I worked in advertising, media, marketing for over twenty years and I still don’t understand. During the holiday season car companies seem to come out by the fleet-load to sell product. You can’t watch television for ten minutes without a car commercial for Chevy, Ford, Kia, Toyota, Mercedes Benz, …

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MS: By The Numbers

MS: By The Numbers

  Ever wonder whose job it is to compile those seemingly mindless sports statistics?  On-base-percentage of lefties vs righties on overcast days in April?  Odds of first-down during a defensive blitz by a running back with a reverse mortgage?   Multiple sclerosis is no different.  There are boo-coo figures on every aspect of MS.  And …

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Shecky Tremble (MS Comedian) Return Engagement

Shecky Tremble (MS Comedian) Return Engagement

  Emcee:  “Welcome everyone to Gimp’s Comedy Club, Dubuque’s only comedy nite-spot for the chronically impaired. We have a great show for you tonight.  Our headliner is BACK for a return engagement!  He is a very funny MSer who has played waiting rooms & support groups across the country! Give it up with a big …

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Rejected Instant Lottery Names

Rejected Instant Lottery Names

  Instant lottery games, or ‘scratch-offs,’ are always brightly-colored tickets with cute, catchy names. You’ve seen them…’Double Doubler’, ‘Treasure Hunt’, ‘Holiday Cash’, ‘Cash Blowout’, ‘Money Explosion’ and the list goes on and on. Well I’m here to say not all instant ticket games are so cute & catchy. In fact, here’s a list of some …

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