It’s A Party

It’s A Party


DEA issue equipment.
DEA issue equipment.


What is going on?


The wild parties.  Drinking.  Carousing.  Sex with prostitutes.

It’s a party and it is out of control!


Recent details have surfaced to reveal members of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency participating in episodes of unrestrained debauchery.


Of course, being the responsible citizen that I am, My Odd Sock conducted his own investigation to get to the bottom of the keg issue.  Here are my findings…




My inquiry began at the D.E.A. headquarters pictured here.



Although it resembled a fraternity house from the outside and was located in a campus setting surrounded by other Greek affiliations, it appeared to be “by the book professional” to my roving eye.



I believe it was "casual Friday."
I believe it was “casual Friday.”





Inside, I was promptly greeted by Chaz, a senior staff leader.


(He appeared rather thirsty)






The DEA's team of professionals.
The DEA’s team of professionals.



Chaz led me on a lengthy & detailed tour of the D.E.A.’s facility.


I met many other members of the division.




This agent is up to there in details.
This agent is up to there in details.




Each one, clear & concise, on the purpose and mission of eradication of illegal drugs into this country.





Sophisticated communication system.
Sophisticated communication system.



I learned the highly-skilled techniques of undercover work from the agents themselves.


Pictured here are two agents using tools of the trade to cover their mouths while discussing an ongoing operation.




Doing what it takes to get information.
Doing what it takes to get information.



And although the D.E.A.’s methods of interrogation may seem excessive to some, officials are quick to get the information they want & need.


Here a young, female informant is questioned while enduring what I was told, was a form of waterboarding.



Just the facts, sir.
Just the facts, sir.



Sometimes, agents collect more details than they want.


To the left, a man spills his guts during an investigation of illegal narcotics.




To Summarize:

The media may report glorified stories to get higher ratings, but during my investigation, I can attest to you of finding NO evidence of riotous behavior.

The D.E.A. is and will continue to be a protective authority to you, me and every citizen of the United States of America.

God bless the USA.
