Most Wanted

Most Wanted



Armed, Legged & Dangerous
Armed, Legged & Dangerous


Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has claimed the #1 spot as the Most Wanted Fugitive Disease.




Across the globe, over 2.5 million people are affected by MS.  Over 400,000 people in the United States alone.

MS has been accused of burglary.  Stealing independence, mobility and quality of life.  Ruining plans.  Robbing dreams.  Spoiling aspirations.

Often, multiple sclerosis is elusive to authorities & medical professionals.

MS is best known for sudden attacks on its victims, then, escaping with relapsing agility.

Ugly mugshot. 

Above is an actual mugshot of MS before it too, escaped justice, leaving another victim scared and confused.


Innocent victim.
Innocent victim.




Only until recently has surveillance video recorded images of MS in the everyday lives of men & women.


Here, we see a female MSer using a rollator with MS closely following.







Watch out!!!
Watch out!!!




In this image, MS is seen spotted tagging along an unsuspecting young couple.








Wheels of Injustice.
Wheels of Injustice.





And here, MS can be seen lurking near a man in a wheelchair.


Bastard MS!




With a lengthy rap sheet, multiple sclerosis has also been charged with causing extreme fatigue.  Numbness or tingling.  Spasticity of arms & legs.  Weakness.  Vision problems.  Dizziness & Vertigo.  Even bladder problems.


Hit MS with your purse, lady!
Hit MS with your purse, lady!



This criminal must be stopped.

If you or someone you love has been harmed by MS, contact your doctor immediately.

And fight back with an approved medical program along with diet & exercise.



Together, we can capture this menacing thug.

