Sexy Retail

Sexy Retail


Oh yeah.

It is a given.  Sex DEFINITELY sells.

That’s why sex is so prevalent in movies, on TV, in music.

Sex in books & magazines.

Sex in print ads, commercials and on the web.

Even your local brick & mortar shops use sex to attract customers.

Come with me on a drive as I prove my point of “Sexy Retail”…

There are stores to enhance…

I have a gold card.

And there are stores that entice…

Too much fruit gives me a canker sore.

Some use a mascot to show what they’re packin…

Mild-mannered hot dog shop.
Perfectly manscaped!

While others are bashful in their approach…

Dear dear Melissa

Some stores point-blank say what they got…

What are you referring to?

And yet, a few are even more blatant…

Enough said.

Meanwhile, this retailer refrains from all sex…

What’s the fun in that?

While this one caters to those “playing the field”…

She can’t decide.

Before all this sex, you better stop here…

Have any flavored?

Lastly, this is what female escorts call their “elder” clients…

She wanted a pepperoni but got a mushroom.

So yes there is sexy retail no matter where you shop.  It is all around us and can’t be avoided.

Best we can do is accept it, move on and use coupons to save.

Spend wisely.

P.S.  Of course, I can’t forget the most obvious sexy retailer…

That’s a given!

4 Replies to “Sexy Retail”

    1. Absolutely not! I love Dick’s.
      Thanks for admitting your feelings for Dick’s.

  1. Then there’s Bob’s. I get them confused and my boyfriend has both in his neighborhood. Pun intended or not, you decide.
    On a drive with him recently I forgot which was which and innocently asked, “what do you like better, Dick’s or Bob’s?” At which point we both cracked up. Then we went to Bed, Bath and Beyond…

    1. Yvonne,
      Must be an MS thing as I’ve never confused Dick’s & Bob’s.
      Thanks for sharing your story!