Whose Shoes

Whose Shoes

Try’em on & let’s go.

Shoes are cool.  Shoes are fashionable.  But the cool, fashionable ones…are damn expensive.

Which is why I’ve never had many shoes.

Although I love’em, I’m too cheap to buy’em.

That and my belief in you can only wear one pair at a time–so why own so many?

Imelda Marcos, former first lady of the Philipines, was famous for her shoes (and corruption).  According to some estimates, she had close to 3,000 pair.

My son loves shoes…and buys them like he’s part centipede.

It must run in the family (not a shoe pun) as my lovely wife must have a hundred pair.  Swear to God we have shoes for all of Mother Hubbard’s kids and then some!

Me, on the other hand?  I just can’t do it.  I’ll see shoes I like in the store, but I have never pulled out my wallet to buy.  It’s a weird feeling of guilt.  I have shoes–they still work–so why buy another pair?  In fact all the shoes I own now–they were purchased FOR me, not BY me.

Speaking of which, I have more shoes today (nine pair) than I have had in my entire life.

Nine pair!  And thanks to MS, I walk LESS than I ever have–yet, I own MORE shoes than ever.

It makes no sense!

Let’s take a stroll through my shoe closet…



Is it bingo night?


Here are my go-to shoes for daily life.  An out-of-style pair of white Rockports.

I have worn Rockports for decades…WAY before they were jokingly associated as being shoes for old people.

Call me a trend setter.



Let’s get busy!



My workout shoes.

I exercise every day and these are what I lace on to do my thang.




Just getting broken-in.


When I walk outside for exercise, here are my grungy nutters.

Notice the worn-down sole.

My “sliders” I call them.

Perfect for walking when one has MS foot drop.



Get to work.


My shoes for doing outdoor yard work.

Everybody has a pair for this…most are green from mowing the lawn.

These aren’t grass-stained because I mow with a rider.

My “yard” shoes were originally “workout” shoes but have been demoted over time due to wear.



Three pair!


I own three pair of casual shoes for reasons unknown.

My entire life is casual yet I rarely find instances to wear these shoes I love.

Guess they’ll last me a long time then.





Yes I own a pair of slippers.

I am over 50…my feet get cold…and that’s the law.

Do slippers even count as shoes?  It’s a fine line as some slippers never leave the house.

I have worn these going to a drive-thru window so I’m gonna classify them as shoes.


Dress Up

Do all dress-up shoes hurt your feet?


The old, uncomfortable dress-up shoes.

Mine only come out for weddings & funerals.

So if you see me wearing these (and you are not getting married) you better check your pulse & call 911 ‘cuz something ain’t good.


Whose shoes?  My shoes.

Nine pair.  Nine pair of shoes and I feel guilty I own so many.

How many shoes do you have?  Are you like Imelda?  Or more like me?

Bare your soul…and your sole with a comment.

Keep moving (in a pair of shoes).



7 Replies to “Whose Shoes”

  1. I have 4 pairs of shoes and 2 pairs of slippers. I’ll wear the bottom of a pair of slippers out before I wear a pair of shoes out. My right slippers’s toe is worn out ‘cause that’s the foot I drag! But at least I’m not a knuckle dragger! 😂

    1. Tina,
      I’m always low on shoe leather on the right side too.
      It would be difficult to be considered to be a knuckle dragger AND a lady such as yourself. Be thankful…and thanks for checking in!

  2. Nine pair?! Wasteful! I have six. Plus an oversized unused pair of slippers, possibly for a yeti, from my aunt who lives two blocks away but apparently has never met me. Funny piece, Doug!

    1. Dave,
      Wasteful, I know! Thanks for your comment which was funnier than my entire post. Good work!
      Always good to hear from you!

  3. When we were kids we had 4 pairs of shoes. School shoes, dress shoes, sneakers and slippers.

    1. Margaret,
      Got you beat. I had one pair of sneakers for everything. (Though we called them “tennis shoes.”)
      Thank you for your comment!