The Flemmy Awards

The Flemmy Awards

Grab the popcorn.

It’s the Flemmy Awards!

Welcome ladies & gentlemen to the Flemmy’s, celebrating the best & worst of My Odd Sock.

We are live from the American Legion hall in Sheboygan for this star-studded event.


Quite the trophy!


Everyone in attendance hoping, dreaming to take home a coveted, career-killing Flemmy Award!

The winners are in.  Trophies have been polished.  And 50/50 tickets have been sold.

So let’s kick off…The Flemmy Awards!


Our first category:

I’m dozy already.


Wow, this was a close one.

So many deserving posts honoring multiple sclerosis–but only one deserves a Flemmy.

And the winner of “Best MS Post” is…

Here come the tears.


“Crying in a Field,” where I found myself boo-hooing at the gravesite of my dead parents.

Writer- My Odd Sock.  Director-My Odd Sock.  Runny Nose- My Odd Sock.

*     *     *     *     *

Next we have:

This better be funny.


Shuffling through SO MANY unfunny entries here, the Flemmy winner of “Best Humor Post” goes to…


Close on the sides.



“Razor Burn,” is a post describing a new body shaver for men.  This essay confirms guys are so gross it’s no wonder there are lesbians.

*     *     *     *     *

Grab your camera because it’s time for:

Kodak moment.


This year’s Flemmy for “Best Photo” honors my rudimentary editing skills using Microsoft Paint.

And the winner for “Best Photo” is…

Who’s gotta go?



“Peealots” from the post “Pop Quiz.”

This parody of a popular kid’s toy explains why I often have a wet nappie.

*     *     *     *     *

We got gore!:

Faint of heart beware.


“Best Blood Scene” was a hands-down, no-contest winner!


Got a Band-Aid?




This picture from the post “Wild West” recreates my day at a cowboy show.

Critics raved this as being “O positive.”

*     *     *     *     *

And a little sex:

Do I really need to know this?



The Flemmy winner of “Too Too Much Information” goes to…


Cover up, will ya?



“In the Buff” describes my attempt at better health/sleep by dozing in the nude.

Not yet certain of the results, but just keep the curtains closed, loser.

*     *     *     *     *

Some Say Less is More:

Readers read.


The post with the “Fewest Words” was also a close race.

But coming at just 93 words was the winner…

Stumble through.



“Texting MS,” about me having a quick text bitch-session with multiple sclerosis.

Not only did “Texting MS” have the fewest words–but NO comments either, so a winner on both accounts.

*     *     *     *     *

Talking Trash:

Oh so many.



So many jokes…but only one Flemmy!

Therefore, the winner of the “Dumbest Joke from the Dumpster” goes to…

Now THAT’s funny!



Clerk-  “Need a bag for that?”

Me-  “No, I’ll wear it.”

*     *     *     *     *

Our next award is:

He certainly qualifies.


Ooo, this Flemmy is painful.

The winner of “Dork from Young Age” goes to…

Quite a pair.




A young Doug as a ventriloquist.

Dummy #1-  Me

Dummy #2-  Danny O’Day

*     *     *     *     *

But it doesn’t stop there:



How does one break this vicious cycle?

As I have apparently also won the Flemmy for “Still Dork at Middle Age.”

Just looking at the pictures.



And the winner is…

*     *     *     *     *

Thank goodness, the final Flemmy:

I get it.


Our final Flemmy of the evening is for “Typical Reader Response”

(How does one react to My Odd Sock)

And the winner is…


This post or all of them?
Keep it down.






One can only hope My Odd Sock gets better from this day forward.

Here’s to reaching for your best.  Thanks for reading!



2 Replies to “The Flemmy Awards”

  1. But wait…..we have a write in vote…..
    The Flemmy Award for “Wittiest Comment” goes to…..Margaret!
    Announcer: “Margaret is unable to be here because the venue is not handicap accessible, so we accept the award on her behalf.”

    1. Margaret,
      I agree, you HAVE earned a Flemmy! Very sorry you couldn’t be here in person. You will be receiving your trophy in the mail.
      Thank you very much for your comments & readership through the years! (You are warped)