I’m Tired Of…

I’m Tired Of…


Short ‘n Sweet



Here are 50 things I’m tired of…




Johnny Depp

Amber Heard

Multiple Sclerosis


Vlad Putin

Tom Selleck’s Reverse Mortgage

Unopenable Chip Bags

Huge Trucks & SUV’s

Any of the Kardashians

Ear Hair

Jussie Smallett

Wordle Scores


Golden State Warriors

How long must this go on?

Derek Chauvin

“Stages” of NASCAR

Tight Jeans (on me)

Phone Updates

Bath Fitter Commercials

“You’re Approved” Junk Mail

Anything on “E!”

Soft Couches

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry

Paper Shredder Clogs

Prescription Drug Ads

Young Rock

Elon Musk

Ink Pen Scribbles (to get them started)

Crotch Rocket Motorcycles

Open Carry Laws

They’re not boneless WINGS, they’re NUGGETS!

Leaky Bladders

Kanye West

Duggars (all of them)

Lane Kiffin

Monkeypox (already)

Spams (the calls)

Spam (the meat)

Any of the Trumps

Aaron Rodgers’ long hair

Alex Jones

Leg Spasms

COVID-19 & its boosters

JLo’s Love Life

Ben Affleck’s Love Life

Joe Rogan

Overly Large Cell Phones

Red Carpet Ceremonies

and lastly,

Tony The Tiger’s New Voice

Feel free to add to add your own with a comment.  Thanks for wasting your time with My Odd Sock.

4 Replies to “I’m Tired Of…”

    1. Tina,
      I hear ya, sister. It’s like leaving a faucet drip during the cold of winter so the line doesn’t freeze.
      Thanks for reading & adding to the tally!

  1. I’m tired of…
    Mass Shootings
    My Pillow Guy
    Social Events I have to miss
    Unaccessible Aisles
    Incompetent Customer Service Reps
    Anything “Out of Stock”