Pop Quiz

Pop Quiz


Brainiacs welcome!


It’s time for a Pop Quiz!

So grab a #2 and a scrap of paper to test your knowledge of nonsense & tomfoolery.

Let’s begin…..


Question #1   This picture is an example of:

Your answer please…



A.  Proper length of a suit jacket.

B.  The excitement of live sports.

C.  My typical view sitting a wheelchair.



Question #2   This picture shows:

Sweet treats!


A.  One’s display for Halloween.

B.  Goodies ready for children at Trick or Treat.

C.  Dinner.



Question #3   This image depicts:

Touching moments.


A.  Patient being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

B.   The compassion shown by a caring doctor.

C.   Being reminded to pay $35 office fee on her way out.



Question #4   This picture represents:

Very colorful.



A.   Healthy nerve cells.

B.   The transport system of messages from the brain to the body.

C.   That scary damn spider in the crawlspace.



Question #5   “Yun” is known as:

What the?


A.   Name of a video game character.

B.   A nomadic tribe of central Asia.

C.   The plural of Kanye West’s new name “Ye.”



Question #6   Which new Hasbro toy is marketed to MSers:

A or B











Grades will be recorded and returned to students in due time.

Thank you for taking the Pop Quiz.



6 Replies to “Pop Quiz”

    1. Jenn,
      Your 100% puts you on the My Odd Sock dishonor roll, a distinction of no real value.
      Thank you for checking in. Always enjoy hearing from you!

  1. Question #1 Been there Done that

    The worst is when you are attending a production and they give the artist a standing ovation, and the crowd remains standing. I always feel like I’m missing something.