Thanksgiving Cranberry Sauce

Thanksgiving Cranberry Sauce


Let’s dig in!

Thanksgiving…and everything you’ll need to stomach this day of celebrated feasting.

Why not begin with the canned cranberry sauce pictured here.

Mmm, don’t you just love gelatinous fruit?

Does anything look more unappealing?  Dog food slides out of the can looking much the lumpy same.  Even the pooch won’t touch it till I mush it up some.  Eee-gads!


Where to sit everyone for Thanksgiving dinner has always been difficult…till now.

How convenient.


For those who don’t make the cut to sit at the head-table, but are too old for the kiddie card-table, there’s always room at the Ottoman Tray.

Though you can never be certain if that odor is sweaty feet or the deviled eggs.


Two uses!



Preparing a moist bird is always a challenge.


This turkey baster comes in handy for that task as well as a helpful pregnancy aid AFTER the holidays.



High fashion!


What to wear is on everyone’s mind.


How ’bout this little faux-fir number?

Cozy for turkey day…and perfect for next year’s Halloween costume as a “Flintstone.”



Setting an awesome table is the goal of every holiday host.


Gobble it up.



Impress your guests with adorable Turkey Butter!

“I can’t believe it’s not poultry” exclaims cousin Nate.





The popularity of Turkey shaped butter has completely overshadowed the dismal sales of Donkey Butter.




From the pages of “Home & Rock Garden.”



This Himilayan Salt Lamp promises to make an enchanted table centerpiece.

The lamp gives off a primitive glow as your Uncle forgoes a fork to eat with his hands.



Drink up plenty.



You’ll want to make sure there is plenty of booze to take the edge off during those lengthy stories of Grandma’s goiter.



Yes please.



Finally, you’ll need some Tums after this marathon day of food & family.

As host you keep the 20% more for yourself as there is only 364 days till you do it all over again.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone.




5 Replies to “Thanksgiving Cranberry Sauce”

  1. I absolutely love cranberry sauce, cranberry relish etc. That’s what I look for on Thanksgiving ! If you have any extra, I’ll take it. I know, I’m weird! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Doug ❤

  2. Joanne,
    I’m just teasing. I do enjoy dried crannies but the sight of that stuff coming out of the can turns my tummy. You can have my portion at Thanksgiving. Have a great one!

  3. Turkey Butter! Sounds eww. But I guess better than donkey butter 😆 my mom is the only person I knew that liked cranberry sauce. Happy Thanksgiving