My Odd Sock Christmas Wish List
Dear Santa,
Hope you are well.
I have been a good MSer this year.
Listed below are some things I would like for Christmas……
Soap-On-A-Rope- It is amazing how many times the bar of soap slips from my hands during a shower.
I end up kicking the soap with the foot skills of a soccer player to get it into the proper position for me to bend over & pick it up.
My feet get cleaner than the rest of me!
Cane Tip- Yes, the rubber end of my cane. I walk so slow, yet the tip of my cane wears out so fast. What gives? I need something like a radial tip! I even rotate it—twisting it around so it wears evenly. How pathetic!
The Cure- Not an MS cure. “The Cure”, the band.
Seriously, I don’t anticipate a cure in my lifetime, I just hope for the sake of our kids they don’t have to go through what we do!
Velcro Shirt- Santa, how ’bout a dress shirt with velcro fasteners, instead of buttons!
Cripes, the other day, it took me over 15 minutes to button a dress shirt. When I was done–my hands & fumble-fingers were friggin exhausted!
“I’m Not Deaf–I Have MS” t-shirt- Why do people talker louder & slower to me? I am in a wheelchair–NOT on the short bus!
Fashionable Bowling Shoes- Not to bowl in—to walk in! Some good sliders. I shuffle when I walk, so bowling shoes would work great!
Most shoes grip the floor like cleats on a football field.
I end up doing so many face plants, the shine on my head is from floor wax!
All-Weather Rollator- I would love a rollator that comes with a heated seat and anti-lock brakes for winter walking….
…yet, has a beverage cooler for those hot, summer days!
Bed Ejector- Lately, getting out of bed has been difficult. With full-body spasms & muscle tightness, I claw & scramble like a bug on its back. A bed ejector would launch me to my wobbly feet!
G-Force Toilet Seat- Exerting downward g-forces would make going potty so much easier! (And make me feel like Tom Cruise in “Top Gun.”) I gotta go, but I can’t…”Maverick, let’s do a barrel roll to get the flow started!”
Waist-band GPS- Because you don’t know when—you might as well know where!
Pants with a built-in GPS would tell you where the nearest bathroom is located!
Guaranteed, you’ll never leave home without it!
So Santa, that is what I want for Christmas this year.
Please tell Rudolph and Mrs. Claus I said hi. Thank you.
Your friend,
My Odd Sock
P.S. I will leave cookies & milk for you!
10 Replies to “My Odd Sock Christmas Wish List”
That’s a great list! Hee hee. I’m leaving Santa a nice hot chocolate spiked with Bailey’s and a Nanaimo bar, yes…he can be bribed!
Love the G-Force thunder bucket. Wonder if NASA is an Amazon independent seller…
Santa can be bribed? I best make out my list quick! I enjoyed your list of really needful things. Last year Santa left me with a pair of metal gripper thingies to slip over my shoes or boots to grip the icey turf. Now you got me thinking bowling shoes with ski poles! I hope you get everything on your list Odd Sock. Be well.
I’ll take one of each!
Good stuff! I’m coming to YOUR house!
Don’t be greedy…Save some for the rest of us MSers!
I should have asked for a pair of those “metal gripper thingys.”
Great idea!
I imagine NASA will be having a clearance sale soon!
Hi……. I really like the idea of a Waist Band GPS… everyone at times could use one of these.
Enjoy the holidays!
The family and I enjoyed this list. It was a great christmas list to read with them. haha.
This is a needed list of MSers everywhere! The shoes can give you a face plant. Soap on a rope is a great idea! I still hope for a cure even in my lifetime cause of the leaps and bounds they have come in the past 20 years. Well for sure for my kids.
Thank you Doug, I needed this read yhis morning. I just celebrated my 56 th birthday Dec. 1st of which 36 of those years have been with MS. I just read your blogs and smile and say to myself with a smile “he gets me”. Thanks for the posts and Merry Christmas to you! 😊
Happy birthday! And thanks for your very kind words!
Ditto. I wish for a cure–NOT for me–but for my children & their children.