Haunted Houses You’ll Never See

Haunted Houses You’ll Never See

Let’s blow the cobwebs off this frightening My Odd Sock for Halloween…..



Let's get scary!
Let’s get scary!


The halloween season brings out the scare in all of us.

That explains the popularity of haunted houses.  

It seems every community has a haunted attraction that promises to frighten the wits out of everyone who dares to enter.

I love the names of these places.




Names like…Basement of the Dead…Fright Farm…Terror Town…Fear Factory…Insanitarium…Field of Screams…House of Torment…Murder Mansion and the list goes on & on.

I get scared just reading them!

A terrifying name sets the tone for an awesome haunted house.

That being said, My Odd Sock would like to present “Haunted Houses You’ll Never See.”

A not-so-successful list of names that don’t make the cut.

Please feel free to add your own haunted names with a comment!

Now let’s not get frightened…


Carnival of Horrors

Plasma Panic Center


Dead Denny’s


The Mortal Minivan


Messy Teen’s Bedroom

Niles haunted House

Rectory Revoltion


Boo Breezeway


Putrid Porta-Pot


DMV Deadzone


Murder Mudroom


The Unnerving Nursery



Rotten Produce Department


Quick-Lube Quarantine


Wimp Wake


Frightful Food Court

Fright Farm

Telemarketing Terror


Lane Bryant



The Livid Lounge


Airport Terror Taxi

Fear Factory

Applebee’s Asylum



and finally…

Haunted Hospice House


Happy halloween everyone!



5 Replies to “Haunted Houses You’ll Never See”

  1. That’s a good one, I like it!
    How ’bout “Margaret’s Polterguist Powder Room?”

  2. ” Tysabri House of Terror”

    ” Neurological Nut Jobs”

    ” Stinky Smelly Odd Socks Sanatorium”