You Know You’ve Had MS A Long Time If…

You Know You’ve Had MS A Long Time If…



Here we go again.
Here we go again.


Certainly there are plenty of medical terms labeling you as a long-time MSer.

(Many of which you can’t pronounce or spell)

Therefore, My Odd Sock has come up with several statments you should be able to relate with as one with multiple sclerosis.


Let’s check it out…



You Know You’ve Had MS A Long Time If…..


…you’ve ever used reachers as a back-scratcher.


…you think of using bubble wrap as a personal protective device.


…your wardrobe has more pullovers than button-downs.


…you know the difference between a “flare” and a “flair.”


…you know your limits.


You Know You’ve Had MS A Long Time If…..


…you prefer to fall in the grass rather than on a kitchen floor.


…you wake up tired after a nap.


…you’ve ever left finger prints on a wall.


…you’ve ever had to find a new doctor because he/she retired.


…you know “A-B-C” stand for more than just letters of the alphabet.


You Know You’ve Had MS A Long Time If…..


…getting a shot/IV becomes as easy as brushing your teeth.


…you think an MRI has a catchy melody.


…you’ve read all the magazines in the waiting room.


…the trunk of your car contains more mobility aids than groceries.


…you have unexplained scrapes, bumps & bruises.


You Know You’ve Had MS A Long Time If…..


…taking a hot shower has been replaced with a lukewarm one.


…you’ve given up trying to remember your “to-do” list.


…you’ve ever needed a tire rotation for a scooter.


…people know you by your distinctive tracks in dirt, snow & sand.


and finally


…the words “Pokemon Go” remind you it’s time for a potty stop.






5 Replies to “You Know You’ve Had MS A Long Time If…”

  1. AND…..

    … know the location of every bathroom in your hometown

    … know “MS” stands for more than the abbreviation for

    … have a “designated driver”, and no alcohol is involved

    … can no longer go to a MS program without thinking “been
    there, heard that” before

  2. Thad,
    Thanks for your comment!

    Awesome additions! I laughed hard at #3. Well done! Thank you.