They Walk Among Us (And Wear Sweaters)

They Walk Among Us (And Wear Sweaters)





Mankind has long been fascinated with thoughts of life beyond our solar system.

Could we as humans, be the only intelligent (that’s up for debate!) life form in the universe?

Many say no and point to the overwhelming & mounting evidence of UFO sightings, alien abductions and unexplained phenomenon.



space alien 1



Though we have no such physical evidence of alien beings, eyewitness accounts (usually from folks living in places like Mulletville, Mississippi) have described figures as such pictured to the right…..


An over-sized, bulbous head.  With large eyes.  Slender neck.  Slim, Mick Jagger type body.  Elongated arms and legs.


As I stated before, there has been no such physical proof of aliens here on Earth…..till now.






My Odd Sock has uncovered this sweater, believed to once belonging to an alien being.



The sweater’s thin neckline, long skinny arms and slight torso proves that only an alien could seemingly fit into this sweater design.




Artist's conception
Artist's conception



Here is an artist’s conception of what the alien may resemble modeling this sweater.


(I hope it wears a t-shirt underneath as the sweater may irritate sensitive skin!)



Some skeptics question how an alien would get such a small article of clothing over its mammoth head.




But I say it CAN be done.

1st Grade
1st Grade


And present my first-grade picture.

Getting my gourd through the neck-hole of this blue shirt was always a fight.

I had flashbacks of birth…and it served as a reminder of why my mother never walked the same again.



That's one cool alien!
That's one cool alien!




So just another piece of the puzzle proving alien life-forms do walk among us…wearing black, poly-knit sweaters.


Let us hope they wear socks as well!








1st Grade
1st Grade





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