One More Day
I am not a prolific reader.
It’s not that I don’t enjoy reading, the problem is that I fall asleep while doing it. I get comfortable, cruise through a page or two and before long my head is bobbing with such force I have marks on my forehead from my face hitting the binding.
(When you use the book sleeve as a “blankie”—you know you have a problem.)
That being said, a My Odd Sock favorite author is Mitch Albom.
If you haven’t read any of his books “Tuesdays With Morrie,” Five People You Meet In Heaven,” among others…give them a try. They are well worth your time!
Well, in 2006, Mitch wrote a book titled “For One More Day.” The story explores the idea of spending one more day with someone you love who died.
Using the book’s premise, I began to wonder what it would be like to have one day without MS.

One day without shots. Or pills.
One day without IV’s. Or answers. (Wait, we already don’t get answers.)
Twenty-four hours without pain, stiffness, blurred vision, incontinence, spasms, foot drop or fatigue.
What would YOU do for one day without MS?
Wow, I would be busy that’s for sure!
I would run, first off. Run by myself. Run with my wife. Run with my oldest son.
Walking along the beach, listening to the crashing waves would be on my list. Then again, the closest ocean to Ohio is 700 miles away, so maybe I’ll just save that wish for “One More Three-Day Weekend!”
I would go to a mall where I could look someone in the eye (standing) instead of looking at their crotch (when in my wheelchair).
I would wear a button-down dress shirt just for the hell of it. (Because I could do up the buttons)
I would use my rollator as a “rolling cooler” instead of as a mobility aid.
I would serve my family breakfast in bed because I could carry something & walk at the same time.
I would hold my bladder and go when I wanted.
I might even try to read a book without dozing off.
I’m not exactly sure what I would do with one day without MS.
But one thing is for certain, I would be exhausted when bedtime rolled around.
But what about you? How would you spend the time if you had 24 hours without MS?
What would you do? How would your day be different?
It’s wishful thinking, I know. But we’re allowed to dream about one more day.
3 Replies to “One More Day”
I once devoted a post to this idea. I remember listing all the things I’d do — walking, running up and down stairs, dancing, playing, doing all my crafts, working, and wearing clothes and shoes that I like. I ended by admitting that after a day of such sheer joy, I’d probably sit in a puddle of tears that the day was over.
I think about that all the time. Many things I would want to do. I would like to spend the day with my Mom, who passed away over 4 years ago. Actually, I would be happy to have one hour with her. If we had the day, we would go to the beach, which is possible because I live in Florida, 30 minutes from the ocean. OR, take an early flight to NYC to see my daughter, and do all the tourist stuff in New York we could fit in 24 hours. Where is that Genie when we need him. 🙂
I agree with your post. I would to the same thing.