The MS Olympics

The MS Olympics



The MS Olympiad
The MS Olympiad


Every four years, MSers from around the globe gather together in competition.

Their quest?

To determine who is the strongest…

who is the fastest…

and who has the best bladder control.


It is the MS Olympics!

And Team My Odd Sock is there to soak up any endorsement deals and surely drag down the medal count!



Of course before the real Olympics begin, we have the lighting of the symbolic Olympic torch.

The Sharps Container...the symbol of the MS Games.
The Sharps Container...the symbol of the MS Games.



But since those of us with multiple sclerosis can’t be trusted handling an open flame, the MS Olympics kicks-off with the ceremonial filling of the Sharps container!






The MS Olympics include events like……



100 Meter Dash


The 100 Meter Dash is the hallmark race to determine who is…the world’s fastest human.

Not to be outdone, the MS Olympics also uses this challenge to find the fastest MSer over 100 meters.

The only difference is the timing.

The real Olympics uses digital, motion-sensing Swiss technology.




At the MS Olympics, we move so slowly timing is done by sundial!








Ready to run the hurdles.
Ready to run the hurdles.



Because MSers have a vertical leap of a lawn chair, the hurdles tend to be quite low!

In fact, snakes get more “air” than an MSer!


That explains why at the MS Olympics, competitors don’t even bother jumping…they just run through the hurdles!





Note the spelling difference.

The regular Olympics have the “steeplechase”, but here at the MS Games, we hold the “Steplechase.”

The "Steplechase."
The "Steplechase."


In the “Steplechase,” MSers compete in a race to climb a flight of stairs.

Lift your knees and enjoy this event one step at a time.





Balance Beam



balance beam


Unfortunately, due to the fact organizers couldn’t find an MSer who could stand on the four-inch wide beam, this event has been cancelled.

Maybe next time.




The 400 Meter Dash


empty grandstand


During this two-day long race (Yes, I said two days), not many fans stay to watch this slow-moving event.


But this year that may change as controversy surrounds the race.


Similar to the regular games where Oscar Pistorious, the double-amputee runner, was allowed to compete using high-tech, “Cheetah Flex-foot carbon-fiber artificial limbs,” at the MS Olympics…


…Gilbert Wunderglast will be allowed to participate using his Hoveround electric wheelchair.


Both Oscar & Gilbert’s circumstances have generated claims that they have an unfair advantage over able-bodied runners.


As for who is in the right…I say let the argument be settled on the track!




Long Jump


face first in the sand


At the MS Games, foot-drop plays a major role in spoiling an athlete’s success in this event.


As you can imagine, many landings end up being face plants into the sand.

Winners are awarded with medals…AND a much-needed facial.





One of the more popular events at the MS Olympics is the Javelin throw.

The javelin event.
The javelin event.



In this event, the javelin has been replaced with a syringe.

The “throw” can be played on the thigh (pictured), abdomen, buttocks or upper arm.








Traditionally, the Dribblethon is the final event of the MS Olympics.

Athletes will try to get as far away from a potty as their bladder allows.

Dribblethon participants will finish (and relieve themselves) in the Olympic Stadiun before the closing ceremony.



Do you have a favorite event at the MS Olympics?

Tell us and you too will be honored on the Medal Stand!

My Odd Sock takes the gold!
My Odd Sock takes the gold!



Good luck to you and all the athletes of the MS Olympic Games!















3 Replies to “The MS Olympics”

  1. Just the other day, I was bending over a tub to wash out some hair color. My thighs shut down and I fell to the floor, unable to get up. My sister took one arm and my friend took the other, and together they lifted me to my feet.

    I’m entering this team event as: “Synchronized Crip Correction.”

  2. Kim,
    Have you ever fallen when no one is there to help?…You flop & turn & twist trying to find the best angle/hold/grip to right yourself.
    It’s like a floor exercise event called “Gimpnastics.”

  3. LOL, yes, I’ve fallen twice out in the garden when nobody was there to help. I flopped around like a mackerel between two rose bushes until I could roll over onto my knees, grab my cane, get one foot on the ground and then climb up the cane. Pole dancers have nothing on me.