Bowl You Over

Bowl You Over




If you LOVE college football, you know what is about to kick-off (bad pun)….it’s “Bowl Season!”


But before you settle into that recliner to watch all the action, be aware there are thirty-five, yes, thirty-five bowl games in the next month.



How that number grew from the eight or ten games you are most familiar with…to thirty-five is any one’s guess!



Dig in, you football fan!
Dig in, you football fan!


The college bowl season begins by opening that bag of Doritos next Saturday with the New Mexico Bowl.  (Funny, I don’t think of New Mexico as a hotbed of football, but oh well.)  Followed by the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl and the New Orleans Bowl.


Vegetarians beware ’cause next is the Beef O’Brady’s Bowl,  with the Poinsettia Bowl soon after.  (How about the “Dandelion Bowl” in tribute to my lawn in the summer?)


Next, you’ll enjoy the MAACO Bowl.  and on Christmas Eve, you can celebrate our Savior’s birth with the Hawaii Bowl.


There’s the Independence Bowl on 12/26 (Hey I’ve heard of that game!).

Little Caesar's


And the Little Caesar’s Pizza Bowl the next afternoon, followed by the Belk Bowl (What the hell is a Belk?).


Don’t miss the Military Bowl and the Holiday Bowl on the 28th…..with the Champs Sports Bowl and the Alamo Bowl on the 29th.


On Friday, 12/30, you’ll see the Armed Forces Bowl (Didn’t you just watch the “Military Bowl?”)….the Pinstripe Bowl (What? No “Tweed Bowl?”)…the Music City Bowl and the Insight Bowl.


I'm getting sick of Doritos!
I'm getting sick of Doritos!



Wait!  Don’t put down that bag of Doreetee’s yet—we’re just getting started!


You still have to watch the Meinke Car Care Bowl, the Sun Bowl and the Liberty Bowl!


Later is the Fight Hunger Bowl, followed by the Chick Fil-A Bowl.  (Should those two games be played on the same day?  Just asking.)

Then, it’s the big day on January 2nd!  You’ll watch the Ticket City Bowl, the Capital One Bowl, Outback Bowl, Gator Bowl, Rose Bowl and the Fiesta Bowl!



go daddy bowlIn the next several days, catch the Sugar Bowl, the Orange Bowl, the Cotton Bowl, the BBVA Compass Bowl and the Go Daddy.Com Bowl.


Finally, you’ll tear open the last bag of Doritos on January 9th for the BCS National Championship!



(Burp)..I don't feel so good.
(Burp)..I don't feel so good.


As you brush the crumbs from your belly, you’ll look back at the previous month and see your fingertips are stained a nacho-cheese orange, your butt barely fits in the recliner and realize you have consumed enough trans-fats to fill a small sedan.

That’s Bowl Season…college football overkill at its finest!  Thirty-five games in less than a month. 

You’ll swear never to eat another Dorito ever again.  Well, at least, till next season!



5 Replies to “Bowl You Over”

  1. I live in Jacksonville, Florida, home of the “Gator Bowl “. Been to many, but this MS card holder has seen the last of stadium days. Will watch in the “comfort” of my power chair. Dorrito’s optional. 🙂

  2. So much for the super bowl of college football…now it’s all who sponsors just to give each sub-division it’s own game. I remember the playoffs being a challenge to make it to the bowl games. Now, the playoffs are nothing and the bowl games have replaced them.

  3. My husband prefers to watch Olympic and championship figure-skating…while sipping herbal tea. Do I know how to pick ’em or what?

  4. You enjoy those bowl games. I am so disappointed in my Vikings that I am looking forward already to next years “boys of summer”. Go Twins!!!