My Odd Sock is always looking for the goofy side of life, and a recent outing provided plenty of opportunity.
Jump in and let’s take a drive to see what we find along State Route 170.

Would you feel safe filling your gas tank at this run down gas station?
Heck the Slim Jim’s are so old they’re made of dinosaur meat!

…Or, feel safe buying explosives at this run down fireworks shop?
What did Jerry Garcia come up with this paint scheme?
Even Lady Gaga thinks this is tacky!

Problem is, the dilapidated gas station sits right next to the dilapidated fireworks store!
Please use caution when flicking your cigarette out the car window around these parts!
Hungry? Let’s stop for a bit…I mean a bite at the Tack & Snack.
It’s the only place where you can get Dorito’s, Busch beer and equestrian supplies in one location!
Mount up and let’s continue with our journey…..

Whoa! Give me a home where the buffalo roam?
Do I drive a Honda Fit…or a Conestoga wagon?
Be careful Wild Bill Cody as the Fit almost got hung up on a buffalo turd laying in the road!
Let’s put the pedal to the metal…..

Dull’s Auction Center.
That sounds like an exciting place. It’s the auction center that gives you a bidding number…and a No-Doz!
At Dull’s, they only hire lethargic auctioneers who speak slowly and with a monotone. Their customers don’t know if they are at an auction…or a wake! Political debates have more energy. A colonoscopy is more fun than an auction at Dull’s!
Almost home now….

Finally, here is a sign for a funeral home.
Don’t you think the arrow on the exit sign should point UP?
(Or downwards for some of us!)
So, thank you for traveling with My Odd Sock. Please return your tray table to the upright position. And be sure to tip your driver with a comment.
We’ll see you on the flip side!
One Reply to “Roadtrip!”
This is a really great blog. Thx to the auther