MS Emojis

MS Emojis



I'm sure this will be classy.
I’m sure this will be classy.


Emojis are everywhere in emails and text messages.

You can find them all over Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest.

Emojis have become a familiar part of our communication today.  

Adding an emoji to your message gives it a little extra umph of feeling!


But when you have multiple sclerosis, the most commonly used emojis can take on a completely different meaning.


I’ll explain by showing you an emoji…then tell you what it means to someone with MS.

Here’s hoping you enjoy “My Odd Sock’s MS Emojis”…..



Emoji                                 Definition


Don't mind me.
Don’t mind me.




        MSer past 8pm.








Outta my way!
Outta my way!




        Gotta pee real bad.








Oh boy.
Oh boy.





Look at the size of that friggin needle.






No sweat.
No sweat.





       Just fell but I’m OK.







No doubt.
No doubt.





           Big Pharm.







My luck-luck-lucky day!
My luck-luck-lucky day!





Disabled parking space right up front!






So unsure.
So unsure.




Not sure what treatment is best.











         I finally pooped!












    Solumedrol after-taste.












     Not another MRI.










Taking vitamins the size of horse pills.







Rotten SOB.
Rotten SOB.




The doctor you didn’t like.







You've GOT to be kidding?
You’ve GOT to be kidding?




That drug is how much?







Said with a smile.
Said with a smile.












Doin my best!
Doin my best!    





MSer eating soup.






That boy needs incarcerated.
That boy needs incarcerated.





Just read My Odd Sock.







And finally…..


Keep moving!
Keep moving!




I have MS but I’m gonna be alright.






Cheers to you.  Make it a good one.  🙂





5 Replies to “MS Emojis”

  1. Joanne & Kim,
    Thank you so much! You ladies must have low standards!
    Appreciate your visit to My Odd Sock.